


a space to Be
all of You

Did you know I love connecting with each person I meet, and really value the privilege of getting to know you as the unique person you are.  Seeing the world through your eyes and supporting you to discover and honour your own inner self - then encouraging you at a deep level to make peace with conflicting parts of yourself is very powerful change work that I love to witness.

One of the first questions I usually ask during our first meeting is what do you want to get done during our time together.  What will be our shared intention moving forward - what do you want to change, who do you want to be, what would you recognise as the perfect life for you.  

I believe it’s important to have a shared vision and intention towards your ideal self, rather than focusing on past events - therefore we spend little time going over past events and focus on the emotions from the past that affect you in the present. 

How I work

During our first session I like to discover the circumstances and self-beliefs that are hindering you living your ideal life.  Trauma often creates self beliefs that may have been helpful at the time they were created, but are less than helpful now, when the trauma is over and you are safe.  

Our subconscious mind, which is responsible for most of our reactions and behaviours, doesn’t always know the difference to the past and present.  It may need to be updated using various techniques that I have learnt that influence the deeper part of the mind.  

Of course, at a conscious level, we all know that the past is over and does not exist. However the subconscious part of our mind hasn’t always processed traumatic events into our memory properly, and past emotions can be bubbling and vibrating at the subconscious level, triggering thoughts which in turn stimulate our body to produce chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol at an uncomfortable level.  Then it feels as if you are still in danger now. 

I will also explain to you how we can work together in the next session to guide your subconscious mind to resolve past issues.  Then the past event can remain in the distant past, where it actually belongs, and no longer hold you hostage with unpleasant emotions affecting your present life.  In fact some of my clients have commented they can barely remember the event at all, it seems so far away after therapy. 

Towards to end of the session I like to do a guided mindfulness relaxation so you feel peaceful and calm, in your natural state, as you float out of the session.  


Jenny Clairfayt